Another funeral a child is gone, parents grieving their loss. Not much one can say, but be there for them! What can one say?
People think because one lost a child one has answers, but is so hard to see grieving parents. At a funeral one seems to relive the moments one went through, how can we help? Help me find some answers.
I saw a sign saying “daughters are Angels without wings” and made me sad. I know my daughter has wings and she is definitely my angel.
Do you have an angel in your life?
The happiness of Christmas, being with family and friends, makes it so much harder to be strong and hold the tears; my angel has been gone a while and I miss her so much. I’m sure I’m not the only one, help. What can I do or say that will brighten my heart and those like me?
Christmas season, the time of year when some of us are more vulnerable to sadness, depression and the feeling of loneliness, despite all the people around us in the malls at work or even at home; Despite the joyful music and laughter the loneliness in our hearts is palpable. Please help me bring joy to those sad and lonely hearts lets talk about Miracles and opening our hearts to seeing them in our daily lives!
Hi family and friends, Thanksgiving is just around the corner and I want to say
Thank you to all of you who, throughout the last ten years, have helped me in grieving the loss of my Christee.
You have all contributed to my day-by-day healing!
To all visitors let’s talk Angels and Miracles you have witnessed.